The Struggling Artist - Creative Resilience

The Struggling Artist - S1 - Pilot Episode

Episode Summary

Pilot Episode. Adam and Julie talk about the evolution of the Podcast: The Struggling Artist and why Adam started the Podcast in the first place.

Episode Notes

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Episode Transcription

00:00 ADAM: this episode deals topics concerning Mental Health If you find any this podcast triggering, please call lifeline on 13114 if you're in Australia or your local mental health provider.  


00:24 ADAM: Hello, hi, welcome to the pilot or the introduction to the struggling artist here. We are at Last At Last although for you. It's the first time so it's not at last but my name is Adam Goodburn and opposite me. It's my wife Julie Goodburn. Hi, and I've asked Julie to help me out with this because being the type of person that I am. I always want to bounce stuff off people. I don't generally like working purely by myself on Creative tasks. So I've asked Julie, she lives me she's lived with me for a period of time she's she's gone through this journey vicariously, unwillingly almost this whole journey. But I do kind blame you a bit not no well in of you suggested the idea. I think you planted the seed of doing a podcast. 

JULIE: Ah, okay during our many long walks. Okay, when I going through I you thank the dogs because that's when we don't want nothing and I think Winnie who's with us at the to start sitting silence it so you hearing tab dancing in background. It's probably the dog. Yeah, so I'm just gonna tell a about Adam here for of who do know him. He's got quite an impressive background as an artist. Adam completed his Bachelor of music degree for vocal performance at Elder conservatorium and adelaideeni in 2003. And then  


02:00 he went on study in London with vocal coaches at the guildhall scored of music and drama and his performing highlights have been performing the role nankypu for the Mercado for Opera Australia, Goro Madame Butterfly. You've done it about three times, haven't  


02:17 But yeah, so right that's what painter and Don bacillo The Marriage of Figaro the comic roles Nathaniel cooking you I can't say all those were Crush O'Neill peterkin nacho France the tile of Hoffman Orpheus and Office of the Underworld for State Opera of a South Australia. Enjoys me in 2021 Adam performed the world of Pirelli in the state of presproduction of Sweeney Todd at Her Majesty's theater. Some other highlights in 2007 Adam performed the rod of Mahatma Gandhi in Phillip. Glasses Opera such a graha now. It did take me quite a to learn how say that so you being me too. Yep. That was for the state Opera and Lee Warren dances the role and him a helpment award nomination for best male performer in an opera. He is the Adam is the co-founder of singular Productions and produced. I you. You're perfect now change. Oh, thank you. Allergies a song cycle different fields and it's a dad thing the musical and it's currently developing two new or Australian operas with State Opera of South Australia titled innocence and a new Chamber Opera the unknown man. Now there's something that's left off of him. Adam has also done television in fairies, which was filmed in the early 2000s, and he played wizzy the wizard and did some national tours Etc with that. I Yeah, I in so that's very 2006 times up to yeah up to 2008. Right and he still can be seen in television in his tight like Chris. So if want get a vision him Google the fairies and you'll be Yeah  


04:00 ADAM: it still I mean, I the good thing with that it's still the thing people generally will. Somehow remember me through funny, isn't it? 

JULIE: Yeah, if you've on television, you must be famous. 

ADAM: Yes, and I'm working on something at the moment for The Fringe and one the cast members or two of the cast members. One them in particulars. It's a Star Struck, which is for is embarrassing. But yes, I think it's more embarrassing for young kids. It's embarrassing for me because the reality is that person was probably, you four or five when I watched me so back back when it on. So that's what but there's a generation of people who've grown up with including our own two daughters. You quite have the same effect. No not just quite a star strike 

JULIE: So Adam, you you've obviously had this amazing background, you a consummate artist. She always have done better teaching and stuff as well. Why did want do this podcast? 

ADAM:Well I have I'm sort coming out of a period I'd like to say coming out of the period where that not a what's happening in terms of performance wise? So as you mentioned I played the role of Pirelli in 2001. at the beginning of the and then covered well and true and that would sort of beginning a covid but then covered ruined well and truly hit Adelaide. and Performing stop tool together and really for me anyway from from that point onwards things have been very slow picking up again for other people around things sort went back into Put in performance mode. Yeah, but I wasn't being asked to be involved in things as much anymore and to point  


06:00 whereas 22 9 20 22 when I sort of working in this project there was virtually nothing really happening performance why it's for and it really had a huge impact on me mental health wise and I'm almost fortunately I've also got a career as a teacher a high school teacher I teach music and drama. and but I wasn't sort getting that sense of Worth or acknowledgment through my teaching and I could it things were generally were going okay, but I wasn't getting that level of satisfaction that I get through performing and suppose. everything kind of balance when doing performing and teaching but when the Performing dropped I was just really really aware of how I was feeling very Undervalued or not appreciated and I didn't really quite know who I was like you lost your energy didn't you? Because the Performing gives you the energy to live really just gives you that. Yeah, it's shown and power. It's very hectic and very crazy. But yeah, but it's but it's but it's sort of something about it that really feels the bucket for Yeah. even if it's not having that in life is something that gives you a positive emotions, and we certainly notice it when that's gone. Yeah, and so there was a of negativity during that time for me and and a lot of wallowing as to Why these things are happening what I what had I done heard it? hurt who did I offend? What can do to try to mend fences all this sort internal turmoil?  


08:00 Yeah, and I think during our many walks one the main things which is the reality is I was my sense of identity was being focused upon the decisions of a very small amount of people. Yes, and that's not a healthy way to function and while I can look that and from a distance ago. Yeah, if anyone else was telling me that I'd be going you need do something about that because that's not a healthy way to move forward. I felt like just couldn't break out of that cycle that that everything was dependent upon. couple of people saying yes and so for all this talking and I you kind suggested. something maybe trying to do some stuff for yourself was one the things and and so one of the aspects what's creating this podcast and perhaps getting a bit a center perspective and talking to other artists and what their experiences were and maybe finding some sort answers to my questions or sort some solace in some of things that I was experiencing that other people were experiencing it and you're alone and this a common thing and that, you you can continue and also there is sense worth that you worthy. And so that's yeah what it's about like that's amazing and you  


09:38 JULIE: How did you choose the people? 

ADAM: it was Fairly, some of it was random. Some of was just logical. Our first episode interview episode is with Rachel McCaul and that kind stemmed because someone Recommended that talked to Rachel. I've worked with Rachel before and as a performer, but she is also now working in counseling and that in particularly looking at anxiety and performers and so I thought to her and make that part the interview as There's Ruth. PJ and Jonathan who are in the series as and they're sort Full-time performance, I would do use the terms. So it's very Fallon and Jonathan Mill. Yep, and what their experiences have been like they're ups downs. I for so have the opportunity to talk to George George Torbay and he he's in charge the Music Theater course at adelaghuni. Yeah and just from a perspective of how do you work with up and coming artists and how they can sort look after themselves in this weird and unpredictable industry called Performing Arts Indonesia researcher as spoke to Courtney. Oh Courtney Walton. And yes, he was running survey around 2022 regarding self-compassion amongst the Performing Arts industry. So I thought I'd reach out and if we could talk to him about his research and also Gale Edwards who is a directive that I've worked with on a couple of Productions and cheese and internationally acknowledged a director of opera music theater plays so a bit of perspective from someone from from a global at perspective on some what her experiences and what her journey has been like  


12:00 JULIE:she's got a story. Hmm. Okay. Well that amazing. Look there's so to look forward to in these interviews. 

ADAM: Yes, so please continue Please Subscribe and continue and hope enjoy this little journey that I've gone on. Yeah, and your first interview person will Rachel. Yes, right. Well listen in guys and we'll drop the next podcast ASAP. Thanks. See you on the other side.